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 Mercedes Skill Preview

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PostSubject: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeFri 01 Jul 2011, 8:18 am

Mercedes Skill Preview

Update Date:
<24th June 2012> Update Skill Preview to KMST 1.2.435. You may notice some new skills were added and modified that is because it's the latest version from Korea server.

Mercedes Skill Preview Maplestory-legend1

Mercedes Skill Preview Msl

Cannon Shooter a Pirate Cannon user accompanied by a monkey that will aid with the attacks and buffs has the ability to swim.

Mercedes a Dual Bow Hero user very elaborate skills and great mobility Mercedes is a class of its own, therefore it will have its own town similar to Aran and she is the Queen of Elves.

Demon Slayer a Warrior Resistance that used to be a general within the Black Mage's army but has moved over to the Resistance Group. Demon Slayer instead of using MP, Demon Slayers will feature Demon Force and that is its Energy and Demon Slayer have its own specialties to grow wings, the wings grow as character level.

Mercedes Skill Preview RaceSelectsummer2011BtCannonkeyFocused0 Mercedes Skill Preview RaceSelectsummer2011BtMercedeskeyFocused0 Mercedes Skill Preview BtDemonslayer_KR

Mercedes Beginner
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes20020109 Elven Healing - (Using the power of nature and its purified energy, recover your HP and MP continually.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 1

Passive buff: Recovers HP/MP by 5% of their max every 4 sec.

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes20020111 Updraft - (Quickly move up a ladder or rope.)
Activate commands: ↑ + Jump
Info: type = 12, morph = 1
Delays: fastest - 720 ms
Maximum Level: 1

Press the up arrow + jump to quickly move up ladders or ropes. [Activate commands: ↑ + Jump ]
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes20020111effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes20020112 Elven Grace - (Elves are born with heightened agility and attacking speed.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 1

Passive buff: Permanently increases attack speed 1 level. Movement speed +10, Jump +10, Charm +50

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes20021110 Elven Blessing - (With the blessing of the ancient elves, you can return to Eurel and also permanently gain 10% experience. (Link Skill))
Info: pvp = 0
Maximum Level: 1

Passive effect: Permanently receive +10% EXP. This can be granted to one character in the same world on your account. Active effect: Returns you to Elluel, Cooldown: 1800 sec (30 min)
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes20021110effectMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes20021110special

Mercedes 1st Job
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23001000 Swift Dual Shot - (Fire arrows at multiple enemies in front of you.)
Info: type = 2, multiTargeting = 1, rectBasedOnTarget = 1
Delays: speedDualShot - 720 ms
Range: 120%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Maximum Level: 20

MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #bulletCount

1. MP Cost: 8, Damage: 96%, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 3
10. MP Cost: 10, Damage: 105%, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 3
20. MP Cost: 14, Damage: 115%, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 3
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23001000effectMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23001000hit0

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23000001 Potential power - (Activates hidden powers within. Increases movement speed and maximum movement speed. Grants a fixed chance of avoiding enemy attacks.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 15

Speed: +#psdSpeed, Maximum Speed: #u, Evasion Rate: +#er%

1. Speed: +2, Maximum Speed: 151, Avoid Rate: +6%
10. Speed: +20, Maximum Speed: 160, Avoid Rate: +15%
15. Speed: +30, Maximum Speed: 165, Avoid Rate: +20%

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23001002 Glide Blast - (Move forward during a jump by tumbling. Movement distance increases as the skill level increases.)
Info: type = 40, casterMove = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1
Delays: spiritJump - 240 ms
Maximum Level: 10

MP Cost: #mpCon, Jump a fixed distance

1. MP Cost: 28, Jump a fixed distance
5. MP Cost: 20, Jump a fixed distance
10. MP Cost: 10, Jump a fixed distance
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23001002effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23000003 Sharp Aim - (Permanently increases Critical Rate.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20

Critical Hit Rate: +#cr%

1. Critical Hit Rate: +2%
10. Critical Hit Rate: +20%
20. Critical Hit Rate: +40%

Mercedes 2nd Job
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23101000 Piercing Storm - (ontinuously fire arrows containing the power of nature. Arrows can penetrate enemies.)
Info: type = 2, piercing = 1
Delays: crossPiercing - 810 ms
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20

MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #bulletCount

1. MP Cost: 14, Damage: 64%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 6
10. MP Cost: 19, Damage: 73%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 6
20. MP Cost: 24, Damage: 83%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23101000hit0Mercedes Skill Preview 130987821723101000ballMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23101000effect

Mercedes Skill Preview 131064854223101001iconMouseOvernew Rising Rush - (Pushes back multiple enemies in front of you before launching them into the air. You can deal additional damage by attacking the enemies in the air.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pushTarget = 1, casterMove = 1, delay = 2000
Delays: elfrush - 600 ms
Range: 350%
Maximum Level: 10

MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Rushing Damage: #damage%, Tossing Damage: #w%, Extra Damage (to airborne enemies): #x%

1. MP Cost: 20, Rushing Damage: 102%, Tossing Damage: 182%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Bonus Damage (to airborne enemies): 2%
5. MP Cost: 21, Rushing Damage: 110%, Tossing Damage: 190%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Bonus Damage (to airborne enemies): 10%
10. MP Cost: 25, Rushing Damage: 130%, Tossing Damage: 210%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Bonus Damage (to airborne enemies): 30%
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23101001effect0Mercedes Skill Preview 131108249223101001effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23100004 Parting Shot - (Fires arrows at enemies launched into the air with Rising Rush. Can only be used after Rising Rush. Required Skill: Level 1 Rising Rush)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: elfrush_final - 900 ms
Range: 130%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Required Skill: Level 1 Rising Rush
Maximum Level: 5

MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount

1. MP Cost: 12, Damage: 46%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8
5. MP Cost: 16, Damage: 70%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Mercedes Skill Preview 130987821723100004hit3Mercedes Skill Preview 130987821723100004hit2Mercedes Skill Preview 130987821723100004hit1Mercedes Skill Preview 130987821723100004effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23101002 Dual Bowguns Booster - (Uses MP to increase the attack speed of your Dual Bowguns by 2 levels for a fixed period of time. Required Skill: Dual Bowguns Mastery Lv5)
Info: type = 10
Delays: alert2 - 600 ms
Required Skill: Level 5 Dual Bowguns Mastery
Maximum Level: 10

MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec

1. MP Cost: 30, Duration: 10 sec
5. MP Cost: 21, Duration: 100 sec
10. MP Cost: 11, Duration: 200 sec
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23101002effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes231010031 Spirit Surge - (Increases Damage and Critical Chance for a fixed period of time.)
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert6 - 990 ms
Maximum Level: 15

MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, Damage: +#damage%, Critical Hit Rate: +#x%

1. MP Cost: 25, Duration: 68 sec, Damage: +1%, Critical Hit Rate: +1%
10. MP Cost: 40, Duration: 140 sec, Damage: +10%, Critical Hit Rate: +10%
15. MP Cost: 45, Duration: 180 sec, Damage: +15%, Critical Hit Rate: +15%
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23101003effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23100005 Dual Bowguns Mastery - (Increases the weapon mastery and accuracy of Dual Bowguns.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 10

Dual Bowgun Mastery: +#mastery%, Accuracy: +#accX

1. Dual Bowguns Mastery: +14%, Accuracy: +6
5. Dual Bowguns Mastery: +30%, Accuracy: +60
10. Dual Bowguns Mastery: +50%, Accuracy: +120

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23100006 Final Attack: Dual Bowguns - (Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack. Must have Dual Bowguns equipped. Required Skill: Dual Bowguns Mastery Lv3)
Info: type = 53, finalAttack = 1, condition = attack
Range: 700%
Required Skill: Level 3 Dual Bowguns Mastery
Maximum Level: 20

Proc Rate: # prop% # damage% chance of Final Attack Damage to the # attackCount single trigger

1. Activation Rate: 2%, 1st Arrow: 55%, 2nd Arrow: 26%, Number of Hits: 2
10. Activation Rate: 20%, 1st Arrow: 65%, 2nd Arrow: 38%, Number of Hits: 2
20. Activation Rate: 40%, 1st Arrow: 75%, 2nd Arrow: 50%, Number of Hits: 2
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23100006hit0

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23100008 Physical Training - (Improves STR and DEX permanently through physical training.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 5

Permanently increase STR by #strX and DEX by #dexX

1. Strength: +3, Dexterity: +3
5. Strength: +30, Dexterity: +30

Mercedes 3rd Job
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111000 Stunning Strikes - (Quickly fire multiple arrows at enemies in front of you. Enemies who are hit have a chance to be stunned.)
Info: type = 2, multiTargeting = 1, rectBasedOnTarget = 1, mes = stun
Delays: strikeDual - 630 ms
Range: 120%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Maximum Level: 20

MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #bulletCount, Stun Chance: #prop%, Stun Duration: #time sec

1. MP Cost: 20, Damage: 101%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Stun Rate: 23%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
10. MP Cost: 26, Damage: 110%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Stun Rate: 50%, Stun Duration: 4 sec
20. MP Cost: 35, Damage: 120%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Stun Rate: 80%, Stun Duration: 6 sec
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111000hit0Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111000effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111001 Leaf Tornado - (Spin in mid-air and fire a hail of arrows all around you. This skill can only be used while in mid-air, and requires 120 or more Jump.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, requireHighestJump = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1
Delays: elfTornado - 750 ms
Range: 250%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Maximum Level: 20

MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount

1. MP Cost: 33, Damage: 97%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8
10. MP Cost: 39, Damage: 115%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8
20. MP Cost: 45, Damage: 135%, Number of Hits: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111001hit1Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111001tile1Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111001tile0Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111001effectMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111001effect0

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111002 Unicorn Spike - (Summons a sacred unicorn that attacks multiple enemies ahead of you while weakening them for a fixed period of time. Weakened enemies take additional damage from a fixed number of attacks from your party members. For boss monsters, the amount of additional damage is doubled.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, mes = amplifyDamage
Delays: windEffect - 1290 ms
Range: 500%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Maximum Level: 20

MP Cost: # mpCon consumption, the maximum # mobCount # damage% damage to enemy # attackCount time-critical attack targets Chance # time # prop% # x% of second additional damage # y times, receiving the debuff Effect \ n # cooltime second cooldown

1. MP Cost: 38, Damage: 102%, Number of Hits: 5, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Weakening Chance: 19%, Duration: 5 sec, Damage Increase: +5%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: 5, Cooldown Time: 20 sec
10. MP Cost: 46, Damage: 120%, Number of Hits: 5, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Weakening Chance: 55%, Duration: 10 sec, Damage Increase: +10%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: 7, Cooldown Time: 15 sec
20. MP Cost: 62, Damage: 140%, Number of Hits: 5, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Weakening Chance: 95%, Duration: 15 sec, Damage Increase: +15%, Maximum Number of Attacks Affected: 10, Cooldown Time: 10 sec
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111002hit1Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111002mobMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111002effectMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111002effect0

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111003 Gust Dive - (Uses the power of wind to dive down onto multiple enemies, dealing damage to all of them. Requires 120 or more Jump.)
Note: The skill description makes reference to weakened monsters. This most likely refers to compounding with Unicorn Spike's Weakening effect to deal even more damage.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pushTarget = 1, casterMove = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1, requireHighestJump = 1
Delays: dealingRush - 930 ms
Range: 320%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Maximum Level: 20

MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount

1. MP Cost: 30, Damage: 138%, Number of Hits: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6
10. MP Cost: 35, Damage: 165%, Number of Hits: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6
20. MP Cost: 45, Damage: 195%, Number of Hits: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6
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Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes231100061 Aerial Barrage - (A combo skill used after lifting enemies into the air with Rising Rush. Fly towards airborne enemies, peppering them with swift attacks. In addition, permanently increases the damage caused by Rising Rush.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: demolitionElf - 870 ms
Range: 200%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Maximum Level: 5

Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +#damR%

1. Active Effect - MP Cost: 28, Damage: 97%, Number of Hits: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Instant Death Chance: 2%, Passive Effect - Charge Drive Damage: +7%
5. Active Effect - MP Cost: 28, Damage: 105%, Number of Hits: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Instant Death Chance: 10%, Passive Effect - Charge Drive Damage: +15%
Mercedes Skill Preview 131064854223110006hit0Mercedes Skill Preview 131064854223110006effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111004 Ignis Roar - (Permanently increases your Avoidability, while borrowing the power of the Fire Spirit to greatly increase your ATT for a fixed period of time.)
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 20

Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #timesec, Weapon Attack +#indiePad, Passive Effect: Evasion Rate: +#prop%

1. Active Effect - MP Cost: 40, Duration: 47 sec, Weapon ATT: +2, Passive Effect - Dodge Rate: +5%
10. Active Effect - MP Cost: 50, Duration: 110 sec, Weapon ATT: +20, Passive Effect - Dodge Rate: +11%
20. Active Effect - MP Cost: 60, Duration: 180 sec, Weapon ATT: +40, Passive Effect - Dodge Rate: +20%
Mercedes Skill Preview 130987821723111004specialMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111004effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes231110051 Water Shield - (Borrows the power of the spirits to raise a water barrier around you for a fixed period of time. The barrier absorbs a portion of the damage you receive, and increases resistance against abnormal status and all elemental attacks.)
Info: type = 11, condition = damaged
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 10

MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, Damage Absorbed: #x% Status Effect and Element Resistance: +#terR%

1. MP Cost: 60, Duration: 108 sec, Damage Reduction: -12%, Status Effect and Elemental Resistance: +7%
5. MP Cost: 80, Duration: 140 sec, Damage Reduction: -20%, Status Effect and Elemental Resistance: +15%
10. MP Cost: 100, Duration: 180 sec, Damage Reduction: -30%, Status Effect and Elemental Resistance: +25%
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111005repeatMercedes Skill Preview 131064854223111005effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111008 Elemental Knights - (Randomly summons an Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, or Shadow Spirit to aid you in battle. Ice Spirit: Has a chance to freeze enemies. Fire Spirit: Deals continuous fire damage to enemies. Shadow Spirit: Deals increased damage.)
Info: type = 33, minionAttack = dot -> type = 33, minionAttack = dot, dotType = burn
Delays: alert2 - 600 ms
Summon Range: attack1 = 120%
Maximum Level: 10

MP Cost: # mpCon consumption of spirits and three people at random # time second summons \ n Frost Elemental : # damage% to the probability of an attack by the target # prop% # subTime second freezing \ n Fire Elemental: # v% to the attack, the target of the second # w # x # y% of the sustained damage per second \ n Shadow Spirit : # z% the attack \ n # cooltime second cooldown

1. MP Cost: 132, Randomly summons 1 of 3 Spirits for 70 sec. Frost Spirit - Damage: 370%, Freeze Chance: 18%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec, Flame Spirit - Damage: 370%, Damage Over Time: 56% damage every 1 second for 3 sec, Dark Spirit - Damage: 409%, Cooldown Time: 192 sec
5. MP Cost: 100, Randomly summons 1 of 3 Spirits for 110 sec. Frost Spirit - Damage: 450%, Freeze Chance: 50%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec, Flame Spirit - Damage: 450%, Damage Over Time: 80% damage every 1 second for 4 sec, Dark Spirit - Damage: 505%, Cooldown Time: 160 sec
10. MP Cost: 60, Randomly summons 1 of 3 Spirits for 160 sec. Frost Spirit - Damage: 550%, Freeze Chance: 90%, Freeze Duration: 5 sec, Flame Spirit - Damage: 550%, Damage Over Time: 110% damage every 1 second for 5 sec, Dark Spirit - Damage: 625%, Cooldown Time: 120 sec
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111008summonattack1Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111008hit0Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111008summonflyMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23111008summonsummoned

Mercedes 4th Job
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121000 Ring of Ishtar - (Borrows the power of Ishtar, a legendary weapon, to rapidly fire arrows at enemies ahead of you. Hold down the skill key to fire arrows continuously. In addition, damage from Stunning Strikes will be increased permanently. Required Skill: Level 20 Stunning Strikes)
Info: type = 2, rapidAttack = 1, knockbackLimit = 80
Required Skill: Level 20 Stunning Strikes
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Maximum Level: 30

Active Effect: MP # mpCon consumption, ahead of the enemy # damage% damage per foot for a single attack # attackCount \ n Passive Effect: Strike dyueolsyat # damR% damage increase

1. MP Cost: 8, Damage: 81%, Number of Hits: 2, Passive Effect - Strike Dualshot Damage: +7%
15. MP Cost: 9, Damage: 95%, Number of Hits: 2, Passive Effect - Strike Dualshot Damage: +15%
30. MP Cost: 10, Damage: 110%, Number of Hits: 2, Passive Effect - Strike Dualshot Damage: +25%
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121000hit1Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121000hit0Mercedes Skill Preview 131108249223121000ballMercedes Skill Preview 131064854223121000keydownendMercedes Skill Preview 131064854223121000keydownMercedes Skill Preview 131064854223121000prepare

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121002 Spikes Royale - (JJump into the air while raining down legendary spears that deal damage to multiple enemies. Enemy DEF will decrease, and all attacks will become critical hits. In addition, damage of Leaf Tornado will increase permanently. Required Skill: Level 10 Leaf Tornado)
Info: type = 2, areaAttack = 1, mes = reduceTargetPDP&&reduceTargetMDP
Delays: jShot - 840 ms
Range: 600%
Required Skill: Level 10 Leaf Tornado
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Maximum Level: 20

MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Duration: #time sec, Defense Reduced: #x%, Cooldown Time: #cooltime sec, Passive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +#damR%

1. MP Cost: 40, Damage: 426%, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Duration: 5 sec, Enemy Defense Reduction: -1%, Cooldown Time: 10 sec, Passive Effect - Leaf Tornado Damage: +11%
10. MP Cost: 50, Damage: 480%, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Duration: 10 sec, Enemy Defense Reduction: -10%, Cooldown Time: 8 sec, Passive Effect - Leaf Tornado Damage: +20%
20. MP Cost: 60, Damage: 540%, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Duration: 15 sec, Enemy Defense Reduction: -20%, Cooldown Time: 5 sec, Passive Effect - Leaf Tornado Damage: +30%
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121002hit1Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121002hit2Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121002specialMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121002effect0Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121002effectMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121002mob

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes231210031 Lightning Edge - (Dash forward while attacking multiple enemies in your path.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, casterMove = 1
Delays: edgeSpiral - 1080 ms
Range: 500%
Maximum Level: 30

MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Cooldown Time: #cooltime sec

1. MP Cost: 54, Damage: 275%, Number of Hits: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Cooldown Time: 10 sec
15. MP Cost: 62, Damage: 345%, Number of Hits: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Cooldown Time: 8 sec
30. MP Cost: 74, Damage: 420%, Number of Hits: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Cooldown Time: 5 sec
Mercedes Skill Preview 131064854223121003hit2Mercedes Skill Preview 131064854223121003hit0Mercedes Skill Preview 131064854223121003effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes231200111 Rolling Moonsault - (A combo skill used after lifting enemies into the air using Rising Rush. Spin enemies in the air while attacking them. In addition, the damage caused by Rising Rush will be permanently increased.)
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: rollingElf - 810 ms
Range: 200%
Final Attack: dualBow
Maximum Level: 20

Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Max Monsters Hit: #mobCount, Damage: #damage%, Number of Hits: #attackCount, Passive Effect: Charge Drive Damage +#damR%

1. Active Effect - MP Cost: 54, Damage: 142%, Number of Hits: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Passive Effect - Charge Drive Damage +12%
10. Active Effect - MP Cost: 62, Damage: 160%, Number of Hits: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Passive Effect - Charge Drive Damage +30%
20. Active Effect - MP Cost: 70, Damage: 180%, Number of Hits: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Passive Effect - Charge Drive Damage +50%
Mercedes Skill Preview 131064854223120011hit0Mercedes Skill Preview 131064854223120011effect0Mercedes Skill Preview 131108249223120011effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121004 Ancient Warding - (For a fixed period of time, receive the Ancient Spirit's protection, which increases your damage and HP. In addition, the chance of Avoidability for Ignis Roar will be increased permanently. Required Skill: Level 5 Ignis Roar)
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Required Skill: Level 5 Ignis Roar
Delays: blessOfGaia - 1260 ms
Maximum Level: 30

Active Effect: MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, Damage: +#damR%, Passive Effect: Ignis Lore's Evasion Rate +#prop%

1. Active Effect - MP Cost: 45, Duration: 65 sec, Damage: +1%, Max HP: +50, Passive Effect - Ignis Lore Dodge Rate: +6%
15. Active Effect - MP Cost: 60, Duration: 135 sec, Damage: +15%, Max HP: +750, Passive Effect - Ignis Roar Dodge Rate: +13%
30. Active Effect - MP Cost: 80, Duration: 210 sec, Damage: +30%, Max HP: +1500, Passive Effect - Ignis Roar Dodge Rate: +20%
Mercedes Skill Preview 130987821723121004specialMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121004effectMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121004effect0

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23120009 Dual Bowguns Expert - (Increases Dual Bowguns Mastery, Weapon Attack, and Minimum Critical Damage. Required Skill: Level 10 Dual Bowguns Mastery)
Info: type = 50
Required Skill: Level 10 Dual Bowguns Mastery
Maximum Level: 30

Dual Bowgun Mastery: +#mastery%, Weapon ATT: +#x, Minimum Critical Damage: +#criticaldamageMin%

1. Dual Bowguns Mastery: +56%, Weapon ATT: +1, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%
15. Dual Bowguns Mastery: +63%, Weapon ATT: +15, Minimum Critical Damage: +8%
30. Dual Bowguns Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23120010 Defense Break - (Grants a chance to ignore all enemy DEF. Applies to Boss Monsters as well.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20

#x% chance to ignore 100% of a monster's defense

1. 2% chance to ignore 100% of a monster's defense
10. 20% chance to ignore 100% of a monster's defense
20. 40% chance to ignore 100% of a monster's defense

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23120012 Advanced Final Attack - (Permanently increases ATT and Accuracy. Greatly increases the damage and activation rate of your Final Attack. Required Skill: Level 20 Final Attack: Dual Bowguns)
Info: type = 53, finalAttack = 1, condition = attack
Range: 400%
Required Skill: Level 20 Final Attack: Dual Bowguns
Maximum Level: 30

Permanently Damage: # padX, # ar% increase in accuracy, attack # # damage% prop% chance of Final Attack Damage to the # attackCount single trigger

1. Activation Rate: 41%, 1st Arrow: 76%, 2nd Arrow: 50%, Weapon ATT: +6, Accuracy: +1%
15. Activation Rate: 55%, 1st Arrow: 90%, 2nd Arrow: 60%, Weapon ATT: +13, Accuracy: +5%
30. Activation Rate: 70%, 1st Arrow: 105%, 2nd Arrow: 70%, Weapon ATT: +20, Accuracy: +10%
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23120012hit0

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121005 Maple Warrior - (Increases the stats of all party members.)
Info: type = 10, massSpell = 1, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Range: 400%
Maximum Level: 30

MP Cost: #mpCon, Duration: #time sec, All Stats: +#x%

1. MP Cost: 10, Duration: 30 sec, All Stats: +1%
15. MP Cost: 40, Duration: 450 sec, All Stats: +8%
30. MP Cost: 70, Duration: 900 sec, All Stats: +15%
Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121005affectedMercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121005effect

Mercedes Skill Preview Mercedes23121008 Hero's Will - (By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.)
Info: type = 35
Maximum Level: 5

MP Cost: #mpCon, Cooldown Time: #cooltime sec

1. MP Cost: 30, Cooldown Time: 600 sec
5. MP Cost: 30, Cooldown Time: 360 sec
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeFri 01 Jul 2011, 8:25 am

COOL man but maple sea have or not
im a noob at this kind of classes
so maple sea got any mercedes or demon slayer or cannon shooter ????
may i plsz know
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeFri 01 Jul 2011, 8:59 am

Will come to MSEA after a few years.
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeFri 01 Jul 2011, 9:02 am

Mercedes!! You're Mine!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeFri 01 Jul 2011, 11:46 am

God, this pawned bowmasters, crossbow masters and dual blades lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeFri 01 Jul 2011, 5:48 pm

Im sure they'll nerf Mercedes. They'll have to. Its too op.
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeSat 02 Jul 2011, 4:29 am

Cool all so cool
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeSun 03 Jul 2011, 11:50 am

Advanced Final Attack:
Lv 1
Lv 10 << change this
Lv 30
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeSun 03 Jul 2011, 3:24 pm

Changed to Lv15 thanks for the info.
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeFri 05 Aug 2011, 9:09 am

Wtf is wrong with nexon?
It looks like this job got wariors skills(the rash thing) and some DB (the gust drive=Flying Assulter and the spear like sudden rider),Nexon should stop making jobs cuz its just looks like fakers job
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeThu 03 Nov 2011, 9:56 pm

how can you play this
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeSat 17 Dec 2011, 12:11 pm

it like dual blade but is range
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeSun 18 Dec 2011, 4:34 am

ya... now ds so useless.... dmg nerfed =.= only mercedes / cannon not much effect
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitimeThu 22 Dec 2011, 3:52 am

It will only come out in MSEA in a few years?That's really long......Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Mercedes Skill Preview   Mercedes Skill Preview Icon_minitime

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