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 Aran Skill Preview

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IGN : x3The제로59
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PostSubject: Aran Skill Preview   Aran Skill Preview Icon_minitimeTue 15 Dec 2009, 12:02 pm

Aran Skill Preview

Update Date:
<24th June 2012> Update Skill Preview to KMST 1.2.435. You may notice some new skills were added and modified that is because it's the latest version from Korea server.

Aran Skill Preview Aran


"I must go. The Black Magician must be stopped!"

The Arans were legendary heroes who fought to protect the Maple World many years ago from the Black Magician. Unfortunately, they were all cursed and frozen by the Black Magician when they finally managed to seal him. You begin the game as a Lv200 Aran, during the war with the Black Magician. After rescuing the villagers, you decide to join your comrades instead of getting on the ship with the villagers. That was the last time any Aran was seen roaming the Maple World.

You awake to a soft voice calling out to you. The girl, Lirin, tells you that this place is Rien and that you were a legendary hero in the past before you were frozen. You find that you have absolutely no idea what she is talking about, and yet you feel strangely inclined to believe what she is saying. It is as if there are still remnants of your memories beckoning to you, telling you that Lirin is speaking the truth. You decide to follow her in order to recover your lost abilities and memories.

You strike a Muru, the weakest monster in Rien. Ahh...surely you can't be a legendary hero with this level of power! Perhaps your skills have gotten rusty. In that case, all you have to do is get back to where you were before, right? If you got there once, surely you can get back there once more...

As you would have noticed, the Arans use the Polearm as their weapon of choice. However, they are far from being slow when fighting. In the right hands, the Arans are formidable characters capable of despatching enemies quickly. The Arans are unique in that they utilise the COMBO battle system, which enhances their attacking capabilities when they chain together multiple hits.

Stat Allocation

Arans have the exact same stat build as Warriors. Here are a few popular Warrior stat builds:

Normal DEX - Add 3 STR and 2 DEX per level up. Cap DEX at 70, with the remaining AP added to STR.
Low DEX - DEX is capped at 40 or 50, with the remaining AP added to STR.
DEXless - DEX is left at 4. All AP is added to STR.

[Chaos] Skill Build:

First Job

Level 10: +1 Double Swing (1)
Level 11: +2 Double Swing (3) +1 Combat Step (1)
Level 12: +3 Double Swing (6)
Level 13: +3 Double Swing (9)
Level 14: +3 Double Swing (12)
Level 15: +3 Double Swing (15)
Level 16: +1 Double Swing (16) + 2 Combat Step (3)
Level 17: +2 Combat Step (5 - MAX) +1 Combo Ability (1)
Level 18: +3 Combo Smash (3)
Level 19: +3 Combo Smash (6)
Level 20: +3 Combo Smash (9)
Level 21: +1 Combo Smash (10 - MAX) +2 Double Swing (18 )
Level 22: +2 Double Swing (20 - MAX) +1 Pole Arm Booster (1)
Level 23: +3 Pole Arm Booster (4)
Level 24: +3 Pole Arm Booster (7)
Level 25: +3 Pole Arm Booster (10)
Level 26: +3 Pole Arm Booster (13)
Level 27: +3 Pole Arm Booster (16)
Level 28: +3 Combo Ability (4)
Level 29: +3 Combo Ability (7)
Level 30: +3 Combo Ability (10 - MAX)

First, raise Double Swing for damage and Combat Step for mobility. Then, raise one Combo Ability, followed by maxing Combo Smash for damage. Finish off with Double Swing and begin raising Pole Arm Booster. Pole Arm Booster is not a dire skill early on, so it is not really needed right away. Finish first job by maxing Combo Ability.

End Results
Double Swing - 20 (MAXED)
Combo Ability - 10 (MAXED)
Combo Smash - 10 (MAXED)
Combat Step - 5 (MAXED)
Pole Arm Booster - 16

Second Job
Level 30: +1 Triple Swing (1)
Level 31: +2 Triple Swing (3) +1 Pole Arm Mastery (1)
Level 32: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (4)
Level 33: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (7)
Level 34: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (10)
Level 35: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (13)
Level 36: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (16)
Level 37: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (19)
Level 38: +1 Pole Arm Mastery (20 - MAX) +2 Triple Swing (5)
Level 39: +1 Triple Swing (6) +2 Snow Charge (2)
Level 40: +3 Snow Charge (5)
Level 41: +3 Snow Charge (8 )
Level 42: +3 Snow Charge (11)
Level 43: +3 Snow Charge (14)
Level 44: +3 Snow Charge (17)
Level 45: +3 Snow Charge (20 - MAX)
Level 46: +3 Triple Swing (9)
Level 47: +3 Triple Swing (12)
Level 48: +3 Triple Swing (15)
Level 49: +3 Triple Swing (18 )
Level 50: +2 Triple Swing (20 - MAX) +1 Final Charge (1)
Level 51: +3 Combo Drain (3)
Level 52: +3 Combo Drain (6)
Level 53: +3 Combo Drain (9)
Level 54: +3 Combo Drain (12)
Level 55: +3 Combo Drain (15)
Level 56: +3 Combo Drain (18 )
Level 57: +2 Combo Drain (20 - MAX) +1 Body Pressure (1)
Level 58: +3 Body Pressure (4)
Level 59: +3 Body Pressure (7)
Level 60: +3 Body Pressure (10 - MAX)
Level 61: +3 Combo Fenrir (3)
Level 62: +3 Combo Fenrir (6)
Level 63: +3 Combo Fenrir (9)
Level 64: +3 Combo Fenrir (12)
Level 65: +3 Combo Fenrir (15)
Level 66: +3 Combo Fenrir (18 )
Level 67: +2 Combo Fenrir (20 - MAX) +1 Final Charge (2)
Level 68: +3 Final Charge (5)
Level 69: +3 Final Charge (8 )
Level 70: +3 Final Charge (11)

End Results

Pole Arm Mastery - 20 (MAXED)
Triple Swing - 20 (MAXED)
Combo Drain - 20 (MAXED)
Combo Fenrir - 20 (MAXED)
Body Pressure - 10 (MAXED)
Final Charge - 11

Raise three Triple Swing so you can raise Pole Arm Mastery. After maxing Pole Arm Mastery, raise a few more fpr Triple Swing, and then max Snow Charge. Then max Triple Swing and put one point to Final Charge to rush, which can be helpful while training. Next, raise Combo Drain. Combo Drain will be extremely helpful, seeing as Aran's attack fast, but has less hp than the other warriors this helps you save a lot of potion. Then raise Body Pressure, followed by Combo Fenrir. Keep in mind, you can raise one point into Combo Fenrir early if you want to. Finish up by raising Final Charge.

Third Job
Level 70: +1 Full Swing (1)
Level 71: +1 Rolling Spin (1) +1 Final Toss (1) +1 Combo Judgment (1)
Level 72: +3 Full Swing (4)
Level 73: +3 Full Swing (7)
Level 74: +3 Full Swing (10)
Level 75: +3 Full Swing (13)
Level 76: +3 Full Swing (16)
Level 77: +3 Full Swing (19)
Level 78: +1 Full Swing (20 - MAX) +2 Combo Critical (2)
Level 79: +3 Combo Critical (5)
Level 80: +3 Combo Critical (8 )
Level 81: +3 Combo Critical (11)
Level 82: +3 Combo Critical (14)
Level 83: +3 Combo Critical (17)
Level 84: +3 Combo Critical (20 - MAX)
Level 85: +3 Cleaving Blows (3)
Level 86: +3 Cleaving Blows (6)
Level 87: +3 Cleaving Blows (9)
Level 88: +3 Cleaving Blows (12)
Level 89: +3 Cleaving Blows (15)
Level 90: +3 Cleaving Blows (18 )
Level 91: +2 Cleaving Blows (20 - MAX) +1 Smart Knockback (1)
Level 92: +3 Smart Knockback (4)
Level 93: +3 Smart Knockback (7)
Level 94: +3 Smart Knockback (10)
Level 95: +3 Smart Knockback (13)
Level 96: +3 Smart Knockback (16)
Level 97: +3 Smart Knockback (19)
Level 98: +1 Smart Knockback (20 - MAX) +2 Combo Recharge (2)
Level 99: +3 Combo Recharge (5)
Level 100: +3 Combo Recharge (8 )
Level 101: +3 Combo Recharge (11)
Level 102: +3 Combo Recharge (14)
Level 103: +3 Combo Recharge (17)
Level 104: +3 Combo Recharge (20 - MAX)
Level 105: +3 Combo Judgment (4)
Level 106: +3 Combo Judgment (7)
Level 107: +3 Combo Judgment (10)
Level 108: +3 Final Toss (4)
Level 109: +3 Final Toss (7)
Level 110: +3 Final Toss (10)
Level 111: +3 Final Toss (13)
Level 112: +3 Final Toss (16)
Level 113: +3 Final Toss (19)
Level 114: +1 Final Toss (20 - MAX) +2 Rolling Spin (3)
Level 115: +3 Rolling Spin (6)
Level 116: +3 Rolling Spin (9)
Level 117: +3 Rolling Spin (12)
Level 118: +3 Rolling Spin (15)
Level 119: +3 Rolling Spin (18)
Level 120: +2 Rolling Spin (20 - MAX) +1 Combo Judgment (11)

End Results
Full Swing - 20 (MAXED)
Cleaving Blows - 20 (MAXED)
Combo Critical - 20 (MAXED)
Smart Knockback - 20 (MAXED)
Final Toss - 20 (MAXED)
Rolling Spin - 20 (MAXED)
Combo Judgment - 11

First rise one point to each of the skill Full Swing, Final Toss, Combo Judgment, Rolling Spin, because all these skills can help you in you training. Then continue maxing Full Swing, after that start maxing Combo Critical for more critical damage. Carry on by maxing Cleaving Blows to get more damage when you hit the monster or boss. Then start with putting some point to max Smart Knockback because when you enter high level training ground potion is like water so with Smart Knockback you can knockback enemies and they can't attack you when you are knocking back them, so you can save a lot of potion. Now max Combo Recharge for additional combo and continue to rise Combo Judgment and max Final Toss because Final Toss is a very useful skill when you are higher level and once you get Sudden Strike at 4th Job Final Toss is the most useful skill to train and with Smart Knockback the enemy can't damage you. Last max Rolling Spin and put one point to Combo Judgment to level 11, that is enough because you won't be using it when you get Final Blow at 4th Job.

Fourth Job
Add whatever you want.

To make it easier, here is an overview of each of the fourth job skills of an Aran.

Must MAX Skills:
High Mastery
High Defense
Final Blow
Sudden Strike
Combo Tempest
Freeze Standing

Up to Player:
Maple Warrior
Combo Barrier
Hero's Will

[Union Patch] Skill Build:

First Job

Level 10: +1 Double Swing (1)
Level 11: +2 Double Swing (3) +1 Combat Step (1)
Level 12: +3 Double Swing (6)
Level 13: +3 Double Swing (9)
Level 14: +3 Double Swing (12)
Level 15: +3 Double Swing (15)
Level 16: +1 Double Swing (16) + 2 Combat Step (3)
Level 17: +2 Combat Step (5 - MAX) +1 Combo Ability (1)
Level 18: +3 Combo Smash (3)
Level 19: +3 Combo Smash (6)
Level 20: +3 Combo Smash (9)
Level 21: +1 Combo Smash (10 - MAX) +2 Double Swing (18 )
Level 22: +2 Double Swing (20 - MAX) +1 Pole Arm Booster (1)
Level 23: +3 Pole Arm Booster (4)
Level 24: +3 Pole Arm Booster (7)
Level 25: +3 Pole Arm Booster (10)
Level 26: +3 Pole Arm Booster (13)
Level 27: +3 Pole Arm Booster (16)
Level 28: +3 Combo Ability (4)
Level 29: +3 Combo Ability (7)
Level 30: +3 Combo Ability (10 - MAX)

First, raise Double Swing for damage and Combat Step for mobility. Then, raise one Combo Ability, followed by maxing Combo Smash for damage. Finish off with Double Swing and begin raising Pole Arm Booster. Pole Arm Booster is not a dire skill early on, so it is not really needed right away. Finish first job by maxing Combo Ability.

End Results
Double Swing - 20 (MAXED)
Combo Ability - 10 (MAXED)
Combo Smash - 10 (MAXED)
Combat Step - 5 (MAXED)
Pole Arm Booster - 16

Second Job
Level 30: +1 Triple Swing (1)
Level 31: +2 Pole Arm Mastery (2) +1 Combo Fenrir (1)
Level 32: +2 Pole Arm Mastery (4) +1 Final Charge (1)
Level 33: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (7)
Level 34: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (10)
Level 35: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (13)
Level 36: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (16)
Level 37: +3 Pole Arm Mastery (19)
Level 38: +1 Pole Arm Mastery (20 - MAX) +2 Physical Training (2)
Level 39: +3 Physical Training (5)
Level 40: +3 Physical Training (8 )
Level 41: +2 Physical Training (10 - MAX) +1 Snow Charge (1)
Level 42: +3 Snow Charge (4)
Level 43: +3 Snow Charge (7)
Level 44: +3 Snow Charge (10 - MAX)
Level 45: +3 Triple Swing (4)
Level 46: +3 Triple Swing (7)
Level 47: +3 Triple Swing (10)
Level 48: +3 Triple Swing (13)
Level 49: +3 Triple Swing (16)
Level 50: +3 Triple Swing (19)
Level 51: +1 Triple Swing (20 - MAX) +2 Combo Drain (2)
Level 52: +3 Combo Drain (5)
Level 53: +3 Combo Drain (8 )
Level 54: +2 Combo Drain (10 - MAX) +1 Body Pressure (1)
Level 55: +3 Body Pressure (4)
Level 56: +3 Body Pressure (7)
Level 57: +3 Body Pressure (9)
Level 58: +1 Body Pressure (10 - MAX) +2 Combo Fenrir (3)
Level 59: +3 Combo Fenrir (6)
Level 60: +3 Combo Fenrir (9)
Level 61: +1 Combo Fenrir (10) +2 Final Attack (2)
Level 62: +3 Final Attack (5)
Level 63: +3 Final Attack (8 )
Level 64: +3 Final Attack (11)
Level 65: +3 Final Attack (14)
Level 66: +3 Final Attack (17)
Level 67: +2 Final Attack (20 - MAX) +1 Final Charge (1)
Level 68: +3 Final Charge (4)
Level 69: +3 Final Charge (7)
Level 70: +3 Final Charge (10 - MAX)

End Results

Pole Arm Mastery - 20 (MAXED)
Triple Swing - 20 (MAXED)
Combo Drain - 20 (MAXED)
Final Attack - 20 (MAXED)
Physical Training - 10 (MAXED)
Body Pressure - 10 (MAXED)
Final Charge - 10 (MAXED)
Combo Fenrir - 10

Raise Triple Swing so you can raise Mastery and put one point to Combo Fenrir for a bit skill damage. Continue with Mastery and put one point to Final Charge to rush monster, max Master and Physical Training, and then max Snow Charge. Then continue maxing Triple Swing. Next, max Combo Drain. Combo drain will be extremely helpful, seeing as Aran attacks fast, but has less hp than the other warriors it can help you save a lot of potion while training. Then max Body Pressure, followed by rising Combo Fenrir to level 10 because 3rd Job you will have another combo skill called Combo Judgment that required level 10 Combo Fenrir. Finish up with maxing Final Attack.

Third Job
Level 70: +1 Full Swing (1)
Level 71: +1 Rolling Spin (1) +1 Final Toss (1) +1 Combo Judgment (1)
Level 72: +3 Maha Blessing (3)
Level 73: +3 Maha Blessing (6)
Level 74: +3 Maha Blessing (9)
Level 75: +1 Maha Blessing (10 - MAX) +2 Cleaving Blow (2)
Level 76: +3 Cleaving Blows (5)
Level 77: +3 Cleaving Blows (8 )
Level 78: +2 Cleaving Blows (10 - MAX) +1 Combo Critical (1)
Level 79: +3 Combo Critical (4)
Level 80: +3 Combo Critical (7)
Level 81: +3 Combo Critical (10)
Level 82: +3 Combo Critical (13)
Level 83: +3 Combo Critical (16)
Level 84: +3 Combo Critical (19)
Level 85: +1 Combo Critical (20 - MAX) +2 Combo Recharge (2)
Level 86: +3 Combo Recharge (5)
Level 87: +3 Combo Recharge (8 )
Level 88: +3 Combo Recharge (11)
Level 89: +3 Combo Recharge (14)
Level 90: +3 Combo Recharge (17)
Level 91: +3 Combo Recharge (20 - MAX)
Level 92: +3 Smart Knockback (3)
Level 93: +3 Smart Knockback (6)
Level 94: +3 Smart Knockback (9)
Level 95: +3 Smart Knockback (12)
Level 96: +3 Smart Knockback (15)
Level 97: +3 Smart Knockback (18)
Level 98: +2 Smart Knockback (20 - MAX) +1 Full Swing (2)
Level 99: +3 Full Swing (5)
Level 100: +3 Full Swing (8 )
Level 101: +3 Full Swing (11)
Level 102: +3 Full Swing (14)
Level 103: +3 Full Swing (17)
Level 104: +3 Full Swing (20 - MAX)
Level 105: +3 Combo Judgment (4)
Level 106: +3 Combo Judgment (7)
Level 107: +3 Combo Judgment (10)
Level 108: +3 Final Toss (4)
Level 109: +3 Final Toss (7)
Level 110: +3 Final Toss (10)
Level 111: +3 Final Toss (13)
Level 112: +3 Final Toss (16)
Level 113: +3 Final Toss (19)
Level 114: +1 Final Toss (20 - MAX) +2 Rolling Spin (3)
Level 115: +3 Rolling Spin (6)
Level 116: +3 Rolling Spin (9)
Level 117: +3 Rolling Spin (12)
Level 118: +3 Rolling Spin (15)
Level 119: +3 Rolling Spin (18)
Level 120: +2 Rolling Spin (20 - MAX) +1 Combo Judgment (11)

End Results
Full Swing - 20 (MAXED)
Cleaving Blows - 10 (MAXED)
Combo Critical - 20 (MAXED)
Smart Knockback - 20 (MAXED)
Final Toss - 20 (MAXED)
Rolling Spin - 20 (MAXED)
Maha Blessing - 10 (MAXED)
Combo Judgment - 11

Rise one point to Full Swing for damage, then put one point to each skill Rolling Spin quite useful because now it hits 4 hits, Final Toss for damage combo, Combo Judgment for 3 hit of massive damage. Then start maxing Maha Blessing for damage buff, then continue with maxing Combo Critical for more critical. Then start with maxing Combo Recharge for additional combo while training. Then max Smart Knockback so you can knockback enemies and they can't attack you when you are knocking back them, so you can save a lot of potion. Then continue with maxing Full Swing and rise Combo Judgement. Then max Final Toss because Final Toss is a very useful skill when you are higher level and once you get Sudden Strike at 4th Job. Last max Rolling Spin and one point to Combo Judgment to level 11, that is enough because you won't be using it when you get Final Blow at 4th Job.

Fourth Job
Add whatever you want.

To make it easier, here is an overview of each of the fourth job skills of an Aran.

Must MAX Skills:
High Mastery
Freeze Standing
Final Blow
Sudden Strike
Advance Final Attack

Up to Player:
Maple Warrior
Hero's Will
High Defense
Combo Tempest
Combo Barrier

Aran 1st Job
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21000002 Double Swing - (Press the attack key twice to deal a double attack on up to 8 enemies.)
Info: type = 52, commandSkillType = attack
Delays: doubleSwing - 420 ms
Range: 200%
Final Attack: Pole Arm
Maximum Level: 20

1. MP Cost: 2, Damage: 174%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
10. MP Cost: 3, Damage: 210%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
20 MP Cost: 5, Damage: 250%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21000002hit0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21000002effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21000000 Combo Ability - (Gain increased ATT, DEF, and Speed for every 10 Combo Count. Required Skill: Double Swing Lv. 10)
Info: type = 51
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Double Swing
Maximum Level: 10

1. ATT: +2, Weapon DEF: +20, Magic DEF: +20, Speed: +3, Max Stacks: 1
5. ATT: +2, Weapon DEF: +20, Magic DEF: +20, Speed: +3, Max Stacks: 5
10. ATT: +2, Weapon DEF: +20, Magic DEF: +20, Speed: +3, Max Stacks: 10

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21001001 Combat Step - (Press a direction key twice to quickly move a short distance. Required Skill: Double Swing Lv. 5)
Command: →→
Info: type = 41, casterMove = 1
Delays: combatStep - 180 ms
Pre-requisite: Level 5 Double Swing
Maximum Level: 5

1. MP Cost: 1, travel a short distance
5. MP Cost: 5, travel a short distance
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21001001effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21001003 Polearm Booster - (Triples the attack speed of your weapon. Must have a polearm equipped. Required Skill: Combat Step Lv. 5)
Info: type = 10
Delays: alert2 - 600 ms
Pre-requisite: Level 5 Combat Step
Maximum Level: 20

1. MP Cost: 30, Duration: 10 seconds, +2 Weapon Attack Speed
10. MP Cost: 21, Duration: 100 seconds, +2 Weapon Attack Speed
20 MP Cost: 11, Duration: 200 seconds, +3 Weapon Attack Speed
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21001003effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21000004 Combo Smash - (Uses the polearm to fire a burst of energy at enemies in front of you. Can only be used when your Combo Count is 15 or higher. Required Skill: Combo Ability Lv. 1)
Command: ↓→ + Attack Key
Info: type = 52, commandSkillType = attack, piercing = 1
Delays: comboSmash - 1200 ms
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Combo Ability
Final Attack: Pole Arm
Maximum Level: 10

1. Damage: 372%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
5. Damage: 420%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
10. Damage: 480%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21000004hit0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21000004ballAran Skill Preview Chaos21000004effect

Aran 2nd Job
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100001 Triple Swing - (Press the attack key three times to deal a triple attack on up to 8 enemies. Required Skill: Double Swing Lv. 20)
Info: type = 52, commandSkillType = attack
Delays: tripleSwing - 660 ms
Range: 200%
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Double Swing
Final Attack: Pole Arm
Maximum Level: 20

1. MP Cost: 5, Damage: 386%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
10. MP Cost: 6, Damage: 440%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
20 MP Cost: 8, Damage: 500%, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100001hit0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100001effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100000 Polearm Mastery - (Increases the weapon mastery and accuracy of polearms. Required Skill: Triple Swing Lv. 3)
Info: type = 50
Pre-requisite: Level 3 Triple Swing
Maximum Level: 10

1. Polearm Mastery: + 12%, Accuracy: +6, +1 Weapon Attack Speed
5. Polearm Mastery: + 30%, Accuracy: +60, +1 Weapon Attack Speed
10. Polearm Mastery: + 50%, Accuracy: +120, +1 Weapon Attack Speed

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100002 Final Charge - (Charge forward, knocking back enemies in your path. Can only be activated after using Triple Swing. Required Skill: Triple Swing Lv. 20)
Command: Triple Swing ←→ Attack Key
Info: type = 52, areaAttack = 1, commandSkillType = attack, casterMove = 1, pushTarget = 1
Delays: finalCharge - 1080 ms
Range: 380%
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Triple Swing
Final Attack: Pole Arm
Maximum Level: 10

1. MP Cost: 17, Damage: 140%, Max Monsters Pushed: 5, Stun Chance: 3% for 1 seconds
5. MP Cost: 21, Damage: 180%, Max Monsters Pushed: 7, Stun Chance: 15% for 6 seconds
10. MP Cost: 29, Damage: 230%, Max Monsters Pushed: 10, Stun Chance: 30% for 10 seconds
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100002hit0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100002effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21101003 Body Pressure - (Temporarily enables Body Attacks on enemies. Attacked enemies may be Stunned for 5 seconds.)
Info: type = 11, bodyAttack = 1, mes = incapacitate, condition = attack, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert6 - 990 ms
Maximum Level: 5

1. MP Cost: 40, Damage: 40%, Duration: 108 sec, Freeze Chance: 22% for 5 seconds
5. MP Cost: 20, Damage: 400%, Duration: 180 sec, Freeze Chance: 40% for 5 seconds
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21101003hit0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21101003mobAran Skill Preview Chaos21101003effect0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21101003effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100005 Combo Drain - (Activates a buff that absorbs a portion of damage received as HP. Can only absorb up to 10% of your Max HP. Can only be used when your #cCombo Count is 30 or higher. Required Skill: Combo Ability Lv. 1)
Command: ↓↓ + Attack Key
Info: type = 52, commandSkillType = buff, hpDrain = 1, condition = attack, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert4 - 900 ms
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Combo Ability
Maximum Level: 10

1. Duration: 78 sec, Recovers 1% damage as HP
5. Duration: 150 sec, Recovers 5% damage as HP
10. Duration: 240 sec, Recovers 10% damage as HP
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100005effect0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100005effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21101006 Snow Charge - (Permanently increases damage and infuses your pole arm with Ice.)
Info: type = 11, mes = freeze, condition = attack, magicSteal = 1
Delays: magic5 - 1200 ms
Range: 50%
Maximum Level: 10

1. MP Cost: 24, Duration: 20 sec, Enemy Speed: -22, Slow Duration: 5 sec, Passive Effect - Damage: +8%
5. MP Cost: 28, Duration: 100 sec, Enemy Speed: -30, Slow Duration: 10 sec, Passive Effect - Damage: +20%
10. MP Cost: 33, Duration: 200 sec, Enemy Speed: -40, Slow Duration: 20 sec, Passive Effect - Damage: +35%
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21101006effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100007 Combo Fenrir - (Fires the condensed energy of the wolves to attack enemies in front of you twice. Can only be used when Combo Count is 50 or higher#. Required Skill: Combo Smash Lv. 10)
Command: ↓→ + Attack Key
Info: type = 52, piercing = 1, commandSkillType = attack
Delays: comboFenrir - 1530 ms
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Combo Smash
Final Attack: Pole Arm
Maximum Level: 10

1. Damage: 366%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Number of Attacks: 2
5. Damage: 372%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 2
10. Damage: 480%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 2
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100007ballAran Skill Preview Chaos21100007effect0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21100007effect

Aran Skill Preview 131923416033100010iconMouseOvernew Physical Training - (Improves STR and DEX permanently through physical training)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 5

1. Permanently increase STR by 3 and DEX by 3
5. Permanently increase STR by 30 and DEX by 30

Aran Skill Preview 131923416033120011iconMouseOvernew Final Attack - (Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack. Must have a Pole Arm equipped)
Info: type = 53, finalAttack = 1, condition = attack
Pre-requisite: Level 3 Polearm Mastery
Maximum Level: 20

1. Proc Rate: 2%, Damage: 100%
10. Proc Rate: 20%, Damage: 125%
20 Proc Rate: 40%, Damage: 150%
Aran Skill Preview 131923416033120011hit0

Aran 3rd Job
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110002 Full Swing - (Increases the damage of Double Swing, Triple Swing, and Combo Smash. Required Skill: Triple Swing Lv. 20)
Info: type = 98, dummyOf = 21110007&&21110008
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Triple Swing
Final Attack: Pole Arm
Maximum Level: 10

1. Double Swing: MP Cost: 6, Damage: 169%, Number of Hits: 2, Triple Swing: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 444%, Combo Smash Damage: +14%
5. Double Swing: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 185%, Number of Hits: 2, Triple Swing: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 500%, Combo Smash Damage: +30%
10. Double Swing: MP Cost: 12, Damage: 205%, Number of Hits: 2, Triple Swing: MP Cost: 14, Damage: 570%, Combo Smash Damage: +50%

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110000 Combo Critical - (Increases your Critical Hit Rate. Each time yout Combo Count increases by 10, your Critical Hit Rate will also increase. Required Skill: Combo Ability Lv. 10)
Info: type = 51
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Combo Ability
Maximum Level: 10

1. Critical Hit Rate: +2%, Maximum Critical Damage: +2, For every 10 Combo count, Critical Hit Rate: +1%, Stacks up to 1 times
5. Critical Hit Rate: +10%, Maximum Critical Damage: +10, For every 10 Combo count, Critical Hit Rate: +2%, Stacks up to 5 times
10. Critical Hit Rate: +20%, Maximum Critical Damage: +20, For every 10 Combo count, Critical Hit Rate: +3%, Stacks up to 10 times

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110003 Final Toss - (Lifts multiples enemies in front of you into the air. Airborne enemies take more damage. Can only be used after Triple Swing. Required Skill: Triple Swing Lv. 20)
Command: Triple Swing ↓↑ Attack Key
Info: type = 52, areaAttack = 1, commandSkillType = attack, upperAttack = 1
Delays: finalToss - 420 ms
Range: 210%
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Triple Swing
Maximum Level: 20

1. MP Cost: 15, Damage: 267%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Addition Damage (to airborne enemies): 43%
10. MP Cost: 20, Damage: 330%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Addition Damage (to airborne enemies): 70%
20 MP Cost: 25, Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Addition Damage (to airborne enemies): 100%
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110003effectAran Skill Preview Chaos21110003hit0

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110006 Rolling Spin - (Jump in place and attack surrounding enemies. Has a chance to stun targets.)
Command: ↑↑ + Attack Key
Info: type = 52, areaAttack = 1, mes = stun, commandSkillType = attack
Delays: rollingSpin - 840 ms
Range: 180%
Final Attack: Pole Arm
Maximum Level: 20

1. MP Cost: 25, Damage: 84%, Max Enemies: 4, Max Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 33%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
10. MP Cost: 30, Damage: 120%, Max Enemies: 5, Max Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 60%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
20 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 160%, Max Enemies: 6, Max Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 90%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110006hit0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110006effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21111001 Smart Knockback - (Temporarily allows you to knock-back enemies even when only a small amount of damage is dealt.)
Info: type = 11, smartKnockBack = 1, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert6 - 990 ms
Range: 180%
Maximum Level: 20

1. MP Cost: 60, Duration: 25 sec, Weapon ATT: +6, Weapon Defense: +25, Magic Defense: +25, Damage required to knock back a monster: 90%
10. MP Cost: 45, Duration: 70 sec, Weapon ATT: +15, Weapon Defense: +115, Magic Defense: +115, Damage required to knock back a monster: 50%
20 MP Cost: 30, Duration: 120 sec, Weapon ATT: +25, Weapon Defense: +215, Magic Defense: +215, Damage required to knock back a monster: 10%
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21111001effectAran Skill Preview Chaos21111001effect0

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21111009 Combo Recharge - (Consumes HP and MP to instantly boost Combo Count. Cannot be used when HP is below 50%.)
Info: type = 10
Delays: alert - 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 10

1. Cost: 48% HP and 240 MP, Combo Count: +55, Cooldown: 87 sec
5. Cost: 30% HP and 150 MP, Combo Count: +100, Cooldown: 60 sec
10. Cost: 10% HP and 50 MP, Combo Count: +150, Cooldown: 30 sec
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21111009effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110010 Cleaving Blows - (Ignores a portion of the enemy's Defense and decreases the amount of damage that is dispersed when attacking multiple enemies.)
Info: type = 51
Maximum Level: 10

1. Monster DEF Ignored: 22%, Extra Damage when hunting boss: 2%
5. Monster DEF Ignored: 30%, Extra Damage when hunting boss: 10%
10. Monster DEF Ignored: 40%, Extra Damage when hunting boss: 20%

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110011 Combo Judgment - (Drops a giant axe of judgment on the enemies. Has a chance to freeze, and frozen enemies will receive damage over time. Can only be used when #cCombo Count is 100 or higher. Required Skill: Combo Fenrir Lv. 10)
Command : ↑↓ + Attack Key
Info: type = 52, areaAttack = 1, mes = freeze, dot = 1, dotType = frostbite, commandSkillType = attack, trembling = 1
Delays: comboJudgement - 1410 ms
Range: 250%
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Combo Fenrir
Final Attack: Pole Arm
Maximum Level: 20

1. Damage: 379%, Max Enemies: 6, Max Hit: 3, Damage Over Time: 105% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec, Freeze Duration: 4 sec
10. Damage: 460%, Max Enemies: 8, Max Hit: 3, Damage Over Time: 150% damage every 1 sec for 5 sec, Freeze Duration: 7 sec
20 Damage: 550%, Max Enemies: 10, Max Hit: 3, Damage Over Time: 200% damage every 1 sec for 6 sec, Freeze Duration: 10 sec
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110011hit0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21110011effect

Aran Skill Preview 131967950921111012iconMouseOvernew Maha Blessing - (Temporary increases the party weapon and magic attack)
Info: type = 10, massSpell = 1
Delays: alert2 - 600 ms
Range: 300%
Maximum Level: 10

1. MP Cost: 10, Duration: 10 sec, Weapon ATT: +3, Magic Attack: +3
5. MP Cost: 11, Duration: 50 sec, Weapon ATT: +15, Magic Attack: +15
10. MP Cost: 13, Duration: 100 sec, Weapon ATT: +30, Magic Attack: +30
Aran Skill Preview 131967950921111012effectAran Skill Preview 131967950921111012affected

Aran 4th Job[size=12]
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21121000 Maple Warrior - (Increases the stats of all party members.)
Info: type = 10, massSpell = 1, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Range: 400%
Maximum Level: 30

1. MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec
15. MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +8%, Duration: 450 sec
30. MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21121000affectedAran Skill Preview Chaos21121000effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120002 Over Swing - (Maxes out the damage of Double Swing, Triple Swing and Combo Fenrir. Required Skill: Full Swing Lv. 20)
Info: type = 98, dummyOf = 21120009&&21120010
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Full Swing
Final Attack: Pole Arm
Maximum Level: 30

1. Double Swing MP Cost: 14,Damage: 255%, Max Hits: 2, Triple Swing MP Cost: 16, Damage: 316%, Max Hits: 2, Combo Fenrir Damage: 11%
15. Double Swing MP Cost: 16,Damage: 325%, Max Hits: 2, Triple Swing MP Cost: 18, Damage: 400%, Max Hits: 2, Combo Fenrir Damage: 25%
30. Double Swing MP Cost: 20,Damage: 400% , Max Hits: 2, Triple Swing MP Cost: 22, Damage: 490%, Max Hits: 2, Combo Fenrir Damage: 40%

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120001 High Mastery - (Maxes out Polearm Mastery while increasing Minimum Critical Damage and Weapon Attack. Required Skill: Polearm Mastery Lv. 20)
Info: type = 50
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Polearm Mastery
Maximum Level: 20

1. Polearm Mastery: +61%. Weapon ATT: +11, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%
10. Polearm Mastery: +65%. Weapon ATT: +20, Minimum Critical Damage: +8%
20. Polearm Mastery: +70%. Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120005 Final Blow - (Swing your pole arm to deal a powerful attack on up to 8 enemies. Final Blows always land a critical hit and can only be used #cafter using Triple Swing#. Required Skill: Triple Swing Lv. 20)
Command: Triple Swing + ↓ + Attack Key
Info: type = 52, areaAttack = 1, commandSkillType = attack
Delays: finalBlow - 810 ms
Range: 350%
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Triple Swing
Maximum Level: 30

1. MP Cost: 20, Damage: 210% Max Enemies: 8, Max Hits: 3, Defense Ignored: 5%, Critical Rate: +100%
15. MP Cost: 25, Damage: 280% Max Enemies: 8, Max Hits: 3, Defense Ignored: 12%, Critical Rate: +100%
30. MP Cost: 35, Damage: 355% Max Enemies: 8, Max Hits: 3, Defense Ignored: 20%, Critical Rate: +100%
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120005hit0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120005effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21121003 Freeze Standing - (Uses the power of Ice to hold your ground when struck, enabling you to resist being knocked back.)
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert6 - 990 ms
Maximum Level: 20

1. MP Cost: 30, Knock-back Resist Chance: 32%, Duration: 10 sec
10. MP Cost: 40, Knock-back Resist Chance: 60%, Duration: 150 sec
20. MP Cost: 55, Knock-back Resist Chance: 90%, Duration: 300 sec
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21121003effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120004 High Defense - (A new defense technique the permanently decreases damage received from enemies.)
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20

1. Damage Taken: 992%, Max HP: +1%
10. Damage Taken: 925%, Max HP: +10%
20. Damage Taken: 850%, Max HP: +20%

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120006 Combo Tempest - (Freezes the enemy to make them vulnerable to damage. Inflicts high damage against boss monsters up to 4 consecutive times. Can only be used when Combo Count reaches 200. Required Skill: Combo Judgment Lv. 20)
Command: ↓→ + Attack Key
Info: type = 52, areaAttack = 1, commandSkillType = attack, mes = freeze, deadlyAttack = 1
Delays: comboTempest - 3000 ms
Range: 800%
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Combo Judgment
Maximum Level: 30

1. Damage: 442% vs. Boss Monsters, Max Hits: 4, Freezes normal monsters for 11 seconds, Permanently damage for Combo Judgement: 11%
15. Damage: 610% vs. Boss Monsters, Max Hits: 4, Freezes normal monsters for 25 seconds, Permanently damage for Combo Judgement: 25%
30. Damage: 790% vs. Boss Monsters, Max Hits: 4, Freezes normal monsters for 40 seconds, Permanently damage for Combo Judgement: 40%
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120006hit0Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120006effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120007 Combo Barrier - (Casts a party buff that temporarily decreases damage taken. Can only be used when #cCombo Count is 150 or more. Required Skill: Combo Drain Lv. 10)
Command: ↑ → + Attack Key
Info: type = 52, commandSkillType = buff, massSpell = 1, magicSteal = 1
Delays: genesis - 2700 ms
Range: 400%
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Combo Drain
Maximum Level: 30

1. Absorbs 5.5% of the damage, Weapon DEF: +186, Magic DEF: +186, Duration: 132 seconds
15. Absorbs 12.5% of the damage, Weapon DEF: +270, Magic DEF: +270, Duration: 270 seconds
30. Absorbs 20.0% of the damage, Weapon DEF: +360, Magic DEF: +360, Duration: 480 seconds
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120007affectedAran Skill Preview Chaos21120007effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21121008 Hero's Will - (Cures you from being Seduced. The cooldown decreases as the skill level increases.)
Info: type = 35
Maximum Level: 5

1. MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec
5. MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec
Aran Skill Preview Chaos21121008effect

Aran Skill Preview Chaos21120011 Sudden Strike - (Allows the use of Final Charge and Final Toss without a preceding combo, and increases damage.)
Info: type = 50, affectedSkill = 21100002&&21110003
Maximum Level: 10

1. Final Charge and Final Toss Damage: +15%
5. Final Charge and Final Toss Damage: +35%
10. Final Charge and Final Toss Damage: +60%

Aran Skill Preview 131923416033120011iconMouseOvernew Advance Final Attack - (Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack. Must have a Pole Arm equipped)
Info: type = 53, finalAttack = 1, condition = attack
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Final Attack
Maximum Level: 30

1. Activation Rate: 46%, Damage: 163%, Weapon ATT: +1, Accuracy: +1%
15. Activation Rate: 53%, Damage: 205%, Weapon ATT: +15, Accuracy: +5%
30. Activation Rate: 60%, Damage: 250%, Weapon ATT: +30, Accuracy: +10%
Aran Skill Preview 131923416033120011hit0

Last edited by Admin on Sat 30 Jun 2012, 11:21 am; edited 26 times in total
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IGN : x3The제로59
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PostSubject: Re: Aran Skill Preview   Aran Skill Preview Icon_minitimeTue 15 Dec 2009, 12:05 pm

Aran Mounts

In contrast to the other classes, the Arans get FOUR mounts instead of three. Like the Knights of Cygnus, the Arans get their first mount at Lv50. The mounts get an upgrade every 50 levels. In case you're wondering, the wolf's name is Ryu Ho

Lv50 Mount
150% Speed, 120% Jump-
Requires: 10 Million Mesos, 50 Jr. Yeti Skin, 50 Seal Meat
Aran Skill Preview 01902015standspadowAran Skill Preview Msryuho50

Lv100 Mount
170% Speed, 120% Jump-
Requires: First Mount, 40 Million Mesos, 200 Lime Powder Bottles, 200 Ink Bottles, 200 Butter-toasted Squid
Aran Skill Preview Stand100Aran Skill Preview Msryuho100

Lv150 Mount
180% Speed, 120% Jump-
Requires: Second Mount, 80 Million Mesos
Aran Skill Preview Stand1001Aran Skill Preview Msryuho150

Lv200 Mount
200% Speed, 120% Jump-
Requires: Unknown Yet
Aran Skill Preview 01902018standspadow1Aran Skill Preview Aran-mount-level-200

Last edited by Admin on Tue 22 Nov 2011, 3:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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IGN : x3The제로59
Class : Zero
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PostSubject: Re: Aran Skill Preview   Aran Skill Preview Icon_minitimeFri 12 Mar 2010, 9:32 am

Aran Medals

"Milestone" Medals
Aran Skill Preview 01142129ucAwakened Aran
HP +50, MP +50
Obtained by reaching Lv10 and completing the 1st Job Advancement.

Aran Skill Preview 01142130Aran of Memories
HP +100, MP +100
Obtained by reaching Lv30 and completing the 2nd Job Advancement.

Aran Skill Preview 01142131uAran in Misery
Base Stats +1, HP +150, MP +150
Obtained by reaching Lv70 and completing the 3rd Job Advancement.

Aran Skill Preview 01142132Aran in Hope
Base Stats +2, HP +200, MP +200
Obtained by reaching Lv120 and completing the 4th Job Advancement.

Aran Skill Preview 01142133Aran the Hero
W.Att +3, HP +50, ACC +5
Obtained by reaching Lv200.

Combo Medals

Aran Skill Preview 01142134Combo Expert
Base Stats +1, ACC +2
Obtained by getting 50 COMBO. From quest given by Cassandra.

Aran Skill Preview 01142135Combo Master
Base Stats +2, ACC +3
Obtained by getting 200 COMBO. From quest given by Cassandra.

Aran Skill Preview 01142136Combo King
Base Stats +3, HP +50, ACC +5
Obtained by getting 500 COMBO. From quest given by Cassandra.

Notes - I would recommend mobbing monsters around your level with the weakest polearm you can find to get the last 2 medals.

- x3TheAran59 Administrator

Last edited by Admin on Mon 21 Nov 2011, 2:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Aran Skill Preview   Aran Skill Preview Icon_minitimeSat 10 Apr 2010, 3:55 am

About the lvl 150 mount, besides than 80m mesos needed, what else does it need? =O
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PostSubject: Re: Aran Skill Preview   Aran Skill Preview Icon_minitimeThu 13 Oct 2011, 12:21 pm

erm...now korea legend patch!but here havent got legend skill??aran fnal blow now 3 hit!u can change it pls!
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IGN : x3The제로59
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PostSubject: Re: Aran Skill Preview   Aran Skill Preview Icon_minitimeThu 13 Oct 2011, 2:37 pm

There is another patch coming in this October 2011, I will change everything when that update arrived at Korea
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PostSubject: Re: Aran Skill Preview   Aran Skill Preview Icon_minitime

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